Islas Ballestas

Islas Ballestas
Aka: "The Poor Man´s Galapagos". . . but we did see a lot of birds for that $25!


Like snowboarding, but shockingly, velcro straps and a heavy wooden board do not allow for easing carving on sand!

Tired & Sandy

Tired & Sandy
Note the particularly sandy region around Mike´s mouth, oh wait, he just hasn´t shaved in a week.

Sunset in Huanchaco

Sunset in Huanchaco
So purdy.

Surf Camp

Surf Camp
Don´t let my professional looking equipment fool you, I have no idea what I´m doing.


This part of Lima was a little overcommercialized for my liking, but I will admit that the cathedral does look pretty cool at night.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Sunsets and Spanish Shouting

After what was supposed to be a four hour journey from Cartagena by bus, we made it to the little fishing village of Taganga! It took about two hours longer than expected due to the fact that our bus kept stopping for long periods of time for no apparent reason. The locals on the bus were clearly not impressed either, which resulted in an awesome Spanish shouting match between the bus riders and this lady working for the bus company. I have no idea what they were saying, but it was pretty entertaining. Even the little kids on the bus were all crowded around their screaming mothers to show their support for the "get to Taganga faster" cause.

We've been here for two days now and it's nice to be in a chill little town as opposed to a big city where you're constantly worried about getting lost in a dark alley or having your stuff stolen. Here, you can do a walking tour of the whole city in about 15 minutes! It's a big diving town (with amazing sunsets!) and the backpackers have definitely discovered it, as there are more hostels than shops. The beaches are wicked with the exception of constant harrassment from locals trying to sell you stuff. Most of them are super nice though and take rejection pretty well. I think that most of the Spanish vocabulary I've developed consists mainly of various ways to say "no" in a nice way. That, and "una cerveza por favor" - of course.

Tomorrow we head to Santa Marta for a day, which is a little bigger but still relaxed with lots of beaches. The reefs in the nearby national park are supposed to be awesome so hopefully we'll get some good snorkeling in during our last few days of Caribbean sunshine before heading to Peru.

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